10 years with YOU

You can pay with USDT
Half price -50% with TON

reliable and secure payment method

About me
I am deeply concerned about the issues surrounding freedom of speech and transactions in the modern world. Our team has decided to receive payment in the TON USDT system for our products at a very large discount. Previously, we did not accept payments via telegram. This is how we will help the Telegram messenger, freedom for Pavel Durov.
I'm Maxim Voronin - a photographer and an amateur videographer. CEO of Vormaxlens. I work as the leading technology expert in the oil company. I have a couple of higher engineering degrees which allow me to approach photography from a technical point of view. I have designed and manufactured anamorphic adapters, Petzval lenses, focal reducers (speed boosters), auto-extenders, threaded teleconverters, wide nozzles, periscopes and monocles for any formats and system of photos and video shooting. I get a high quality product with low-cost technologies. My products are sold at different trading venues (Ebay, Avito) and I have only positive feedback.

Let's talk
If you want to support my projects Vormaxlens in optical mechanics, the development of anamorphic lenses, Petzval lenses and other art lenses, you can transfer the money. You must have Tonkeeper installed on your phone. Just point your iPhone camera at the QR code.
Only 1$ only in TON system #FreeDurov